Submitted by secretary on
Update: the Programming Group met in August. The programme beyond July 2013 is still "under wraps" while we work out the detail of an ambitious and exciting project. All being well, we'll be announcing details before the end of November! Meanwhile, please do continue to tell us what you would like to perform -- or, if you are one of our audience-members -- what you would like to hear us perform.
The Programming Group is a small working party (currently, the members are: David, John, Keith, Ian, Claire R and Deborah) entrusted with the task of formulating the Choir's planned future programme. We're due to meet soon to consider the programme beyond the 2012-13 season, and we welcome your suggestions, whether they be favourite pieces or grand schemes! You can add a comment to this blog or the choir's Facebook page, or slip your suggestion into the aptly-named Suggestions Box (on the Register table at rehearsal) -- or you can email Deborah or collar any member of the committee at rehearsal.
Re: repertoire
Submitted by Steve Waring (not verified) on
Re: repertoire suggestions Could we do In Principio by Arvo Part? I dont know whether this would be considered a bit too left field, but personally I think its an impressive piece and very accessible.I suppose there may be a risk of losing the more traditional audience, on the other hand I'd say Part is reasonably well known, and maybe we'd attract a new audience group?if not In Principio, maybe we could do a selection of Parts's shorter a capella pieces, which can also be very affecting? Steve Waring
Thanks, Steve - your
Submitted by secretary on
Thanks, Steve - your suggestions noted!
Ooh yes please: I sang some
Submitted by Jane Holt (not verified) on
Ooh yes please: I sang some Part years ago, when I'd never even heard of him, and it was simply glorious.
More repertoire suggestions
Submitted by secretary on
More repertoire suggestions from members:
Another suggestion -- something a little lighter
Submitted by secretary on
Christine suggests -- bearing in mind the popularity of the show and the film -- a performance of the music from Les Miserables.
How about Britten's Spring
Submitted by Jane Holt (not verified) on
How about Britten's Spring Symphony? Glorious music, plus we could consider tying in with a good local children's choir (or is it just boys?) Alternatively, Tippett's Child of Our Time: the spirituals would make a refreshing contrast with all the more traditional repertoire such as Handel, Haydn and Bach.
Hi Jane. Britten's Spring
Submitted by secretary on
Hi Jane. Britten's Spring Symphony is one of the pieces right at the top of my list. (The others in the group will be convinced that I have put you up to this, as I have suggested it several times!) The score calls for a chorus of boys, but I think a children's choir is very often used. Certainly, we used a children's choir when we last performed this gem of a work.
We sang the spirituals from A Child of Our Time a few years ago, and it would be good to do them again, too -- or the full work, indeed!
I loved Britten's Spring
Submitted by Rita M (not verified) on
I loved Britten's Spring Symphony first time round (and we now have access to a reliable childrens' chorus), and I've been aching to do it again - soon, please, only two years to my next voice test!
As well as seconding the vote
Submitted by secretary on
As well as seconding the vote for The Musicmakers, Jenny proposes the following:
Submitted by Sue Stephenson (not verified) on
Yes, several people mentioned
Submitted by secretary on
Yes, several people mentioned Sea Symphony to me, too. I agree that we'd probably want to leave it at least a couple of years now -- maybe it would be something to consider for the 2015-16 season.
The Programming group met
Submitted by secretary on
The Programming group met last week - details to follow!
The latest suggestion received: Berlioz - Grande messe des morts.
Can we sing some new
Submitted by Terri Crawley (not verified) on
Can we sing some new composers, please? How about Andrew Campling's Mass for our Time? or In Paradisum? lovely melodies with simple yet effective harmonies...
"More Vivaldi, please!" says
Submitted by secretary on
"More Vivaldi, please!" says Alan Duffield.
Another "vote" for St Matthew Passion
Submitted by secretary on
Ann Fraser would like to get Bach St Matthew Passion on the programme. We last performed this work in 2001, so perhaps it's due a reprise!Deborah
Viva Vivaldi
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
How about Vivaldi? There are two (slightly overlapping) Glorias, a Magnificat, a Beatus Vir and a Dixit Dominus. All fab! OR...a re-run of Bach's Magnificat alongside some Vivaldi?
19th century or Bach ?
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Thanks for the great experience with Walton's music, expecially Belshazzar's Feast ! The Te Deum remembered me of A.Dvorak's and A.Bruckner's Te Deum from the 19th century which possibly could be combined. From the same period I suggest a lovely Messe solennelle from L.Vièrne (choir & two organs) as well as a rarely performed Requiem which is the one of L.Cherubini in c (choir & orchestra). But besides these a trip to the Baroque period could be exciting with St. Matthew's Passion of J.S.Bach or his Magnificat - or the one of his son C.P.E. Bach who's 300th anniversary will be 2014.
Thanks – glad to hear the
Submitted by secretary on
Thanks – glad to hear the Walton went down well! And thank you for those suggestions: it's quite a while (ten years at least) since we performed any work by Dvorak or Bruckner. The Programming group will look into your other suggestions, too. It's not so long since we performed Bach's Magnificat (March 2009), but we have to look a lot further back for our last performance of the St Matthew Passion (March 2001).
Mozart Requiem!! My favourite
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Mozart Requiem!! My favourite
Mozart Requiem is a great
Submitted by secretary on
Mozart Requiem is a great piece – a perennial favourite, I think!
We performed it as recently as April 2010.
I thought I'd submitted this
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
I thought I'd submitted this a while ago but it appears to have vanished! How about the Polovtsian Dances by Borodin?
Programming suggestion
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
It's been a while but how about another go at Carmina burana?
Carmina Burana
Submitted by secretary on
Hi. That's a piece that is frequently suggested at meetings of the Programming group. It's a joyful, fun piece and very suited to a summer concert. However, our next two summer concerts are programmed to take place in the Cathedral, so Carmina Burana will have to wait!