Farewell, Mayfield (but not goodbye!)

A message from Mayfield Nurseries at the close of their two years as the Choir's nominated charity

Mayfield staff wave goodbyeThe concert on 6 July brings to an end our two years with the Philharmonic Choir, and we shall miss you.  Thanks to the generosity of the Choir and its supporters, we have collected over £3,000 over the past two years.  This has allowed us to build a new covered area for plants and to put in some new paths, and has helped with our running costs.  Our relationship with the Choir has been as important: we have been touched that Choir members have sung at our Christmas events; we have gained new customers, both Choir members and supporters; and we have listened to magnificent music and taken part in your carol concerts.

Like other mental health facilities, we are being financially squeezed and every penny made from sales and collections is vitally important to us.  With the closure of other projects in Southampton, it is even more important to keep Mayfield going.  So, for that reason as well, we shall always be delighted to see you at the Nurseries.   Although the formal relationship is ending, we hope that this is not goodbye.

Thank you!
Rachel Hampton, Manager