Music for March

I've just lifted a few items from the latest Choir News, to get started in the blogosphere.  

I also have David's recommendations for recordings of the pieces we'll be singing, and I can't gush enough about the recording of The Bells!  First, though, here's David having a gush about the programme.  (We wanted a quotable quote from him, but he couldn't limit himself to just the one, and I think his enthusiasm for the whole programme is evident.) 

From the Choir News -

David: "This is the scrummiest programme I can think of – a concert full of the most sublime melodies, luscious harmonies, romance and passion: all the things people seem to love! The piano concerto alone has topped the Classic FM Hall of Fame for the past 5 years – ever since it was used for the film “Brief Encounter” it has become one of the most loved and popular pieces in the entire repertoire.
The Bells, although less well-known, is in essence a choral symphony in 4 movements, with all the light and shade, contrasts and profundity of that genre, but retaining the composer’s natural warmth, melodic richness and sumptuous textures. It also has a personal connection with me, as it was the very first piece I worked on as a professional choral trainer, when I was fresh out of University.
I cannot wait to hear Erica Eloff singing the majestic Vocalise – one of the most glorious and inspired vocal pieces there is.
Poulenc’s Gloria is to my mind one of the finest of the shorter choral works of the entire 20th century. Fresh, innovative, fun and wonderfully textured – it always seems to leave an audience with a smile on their faces and joy in their hearts.”

And here's a lovely audio clip I found of Erica performing a RachEric Eloffmaninov song - Op.21, No.7 - Z'des khorosho. It's not the Vocalise, but it does beautifully showcase Erica's remarkable, expressive voice -- just listen to that lovely top B at about 1'20.  It's enough to melt the iciest of hearts.

Erica is a huge fan of the Vocalise. We were emailing each other a couple of weeks ago, and she told me: "I'm looking forward to singing with you again - it looks to be a fab programme. I'm especially looking forward to the Rachmaninoff Vocalise, but equally love the Poulenc. I always think that judged by his music, Poulenc had a very 'naughty' sense of humour. I hope you enjoy singing it!"




Radio 4 Soul Music – Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No 2
Listen again to the programme in which people from around the world muse upon Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2 and describe the place this work has in their lives. (Served up with lashings of luscious audio clips of the work.)
"Rachmaninov's 2nd Piano Concerto, which was famously featured in David Lean's film "Brief Encounter", is one of the world's most popular pieces of classical music. In this programme people describe the way in which Rachmaninov's 2nd Piano Concerto has touched and shaped their lives. The programme features a pianist from Taiwan whose memories of a repressive childhood were dispelled by the emotions contained within this music. Plus a story from an acclaimed pianist from Argentina who was told she would never play the piano again after a serious car accident, but who has recently performed this piece in New York. And finally an account of the place that this piece of passionate and heartfelt music played in the life of John Peel and his family, told by his wife Sheila Ravenscroft.
The concerto is also given historical and musical context in the programme by pianists Peter Donohoe and Howard Shelley."


The Conductor's Choice - 

If you are tempted into buying these (all, I think, available as MP3s, as well as CD) please consider purchasing through our Amazon page -- it costs you not a penny more, and it raises funds for choir (over £200 last year).


David's preferred recording of The Bells is available to purchase on Amazon - and you raise a few extra pennies for us if you buy it this way! As David said on Monday, now is the time to listen, listen, listen :)

J. Adams: Harmonium / Rachmaninov: The Bells: Robert Shaw: Music


Here are some of the comments, lifted from the Choir's Facebook page: 

Just downloaded it - this is a lovely recording. :) (Katy)

?[has inferior version (ashamed)] (John)

Oh wow! This recording of The Bells is nothing short of a revelation to me! It's really fantastic. Just listening again to the end of Movt. 2 -- so *that's* how David wants us to sound! (As for Movt 3 -- blimey!)  (Deborah)

David has shared the details of the reecording of the Gloria he owns/presumably favours -- but he generously conceded that my favourite sounds good. (I think that the choral singing on mine -- as demonstrated by the Tanglewood Festival Chorus -- is far better: more vigorous, better attack, crisper)-

mine -

Poulenc: Gloria, Organ Concerto, Concert Champetre: Francis Poulenc, Seiji Ozawa, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Kathleen Battle, Simon Preston, Trevor Pinnock: Music

 David's -

Poulenc: Vocal, Chamber and Orchestral Works: Francis Poulenc, Charles Dutoit, Sergiu Comissiona, Iona Brown, Jésus López-Cobos, Philharmonia Orchestra, Suisse Romande Orchestra, Pascal Rogé, Patrick Gallois, Maurice Bourgue, Michel Portal: Music
Do enjoy!