Publicity working group meetings are very, very serious


The Publicity working group met last night. We started before the rehearsal, the intention being that the three of us taking part in the CSO's Titanic concert would sneak into the auditorium about 10 minutes into the rehearsal, but we overran, and it was almost 8pm by the time we joined our singing colleagues (who were sounding very good, incidentally). The trouble is, as Claire and I agreed, that we get on too well with our committee colleagues, to the extent that we make important and lasting friendships through the Fellowship of the Sing. If we didn't enjoy one another's company, I'm sure we'd have galloped through the agenda and seen to every item by 7.30pm, but we have so much fun that we spend a considerable portion of our very serious meetings creased up laughing. I'm sorry to disappoint those who think we are terribly highbrow and businesslike all of the time.

QR codeThe truth is that a discussion about whether we should be adopting the use of those almost ubiquitous QR (Quick response) codes ends up, via the perfectly sensible idea of a choir t-shirt with code, with the suggestion that we market choir Y-fronts that feature a strategically-placed QR code, and modelled by a certain well-known member (oh dear!) of the choir. (Probably not the one you are thinking of as you read this, however.) Well, maybe we should give it a try – it might turn out to be the marketing idea of the century. Or not, as a quick google reveals that someone else has already tried it.

Aside from the frankly frivolous and rather childish (she said, belatedly trying to distance herself, and neatly overlooking the origin of the aforementioned suggestion), we did come up with some nice ideas for marketing the choir and the next concert – The Creation – specifically. And Claire persuaded us to let her make some adjustments to her initial design for the poster. Meanwhile, Julia is now working on some text that will convince the public to flock to the concert in droves. Evidence of our diligence to follow, in due course, but I really like the idea of the online competition to win tickets for the concert. I'll blog again about that soon, when we've worked out the details.