Submitted by secretary on
Yesterday's snail mail brought a lovely Christmas letter from my friend, Beryl Foster, President of the International Grieg Society and librettist/script-writer of the English translation we commisssioned for our performance of Peer Gynt, back in 2010. She tells me that Radio 3 is broadcasting a performance (in Norwegian, but with narration in English) recorded at the Barbican on 15 December (listen here). Beryl gave the pre-concert talk, standing in for Fiona Talkington, who was indisposed. The concert, she says, was rather disappointing. "It made me realise again (as if I could forget!) just how good the Southampton performance was - and you can quote me!"
1 Comment
Peer Gynt
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
How wonderful to receive such feedback from Beryl Foster - it was a great concert wasn't it?