Southampton Samaritans

Southampton Samaritans 

Southampton Samaritans provide confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.   Samaritans is perhaps best known for the 24 hour telephone support service, but we also offer support face-to-face for callers to our premisses in London Rd and via email. A rapidly growing number of callers use our SMS text service too.  Samaritans has a number of other initiatives in which Southampton branch is active, for example, supporting local schools in teaching emotional health to teenagers and working with Network Rail to reduce suicide on the railways.  

Samaritans in Southampton was established in 1963 and 2013 is our 50th anniversary year.   During the last 50 years over 2,000 volunteers have completed Samaritans' training in Southampton and they have answered over one million calls.    

More information can be found on the national Samaritans website 




Southampton Samaritans would be delighted to be a candidate for Southampton Philharmonic's next nominated charity.