Saturday 3rd July 7.45pm The Anvil, Basingstoke Ravel and Villa-Lobos Ravel: Bolero Villa-Lobos: Chôros No 10 Ravel: Daphnis and Chloe Basingstoke Choral Society Southampton Philharmonic Choir New London Sinfonia David Gibson (conductor) Southampton Philharmonic Choir and Basingstoke Choral Society join forces for a fantastic programme featuring two contrasting works that require a very large choir. The concert will also include the popular orchestral favourite, Ravel’s Bolero. Villa Lobos’ Chôros No 10 (Rasga o Coraçao) is a stunning piece that was a huge success at the Last Night of the Proms in 2009. The set of twelve chôros bring together the various musical influences of Brazil: the popular music of European origin performed by chorões or street musicians, the music of the descendants of African slaves, and native Indian chants and rhythms, combined with the bird song of the rainforest. No 10 is considered to be the masterpiece of the set, being composed for full orchestra and chorus with a large and exotic array of percussion - tam-tam, tamborim, caixa, tambor, caxambu, puitas, bombo, reco-reco, chocalhos de metal, chocalhos de maderia and timpani. The work was composed and first performed in Rio in 1926. The first Paris performance caused a storm: L. Chevallier wrote in Le Monde musicale, that it was “an art to which we must now give a new name”. Some have claimed it to be Brazil’s answer to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. Ravel’s Daphnis et Chloé was composed for Diaghilev’s Ballet Russes and first performed in Paris in 1912, with choreography by Fokine and the role of Daphnis danced by Nijinsky. It is Ravel's longest work, at almost an hour long, and is considered to be his orchestral masterpiece. Ravel later reused some of the music in two orchestral suites, and this music will be familiar to many. The lush harmonies are typical of the impressionist movement in music. The choir takes an almost instrumental role, and the choral vocalising dominates the texture at times. The ballet is the story of two foundlings who, after a series of mishaps, find true love and happiness. It is based on a 2nd century AD pastoral romance by Longus. Tickets: £10, £14, £17, £22; under 16s and students £5 Box Office: The Anvil Tel No: 01256 844244 Fax: 01256 366900 Email:
14 years 8 months ago