Haydn - Creation

Creation poster

Saturday 16 June 2012, 7.30pm

Southampton Guildhall

Southampton Philharmonic Choir
Southampton University Philharmonic Choir
New London Sinfonia

David Gibson (conductor)
Lucy Hall (soprano), Gabriel; Eve
Nathan Vale (tenor), Uriel
Nick Warden (bass), Raphael; Adam



Haydn - The Creation 

“One of the finest oratorios written, in my view” says Musical Director David Gibson, “and one that the Southampton Philharmonic Choir has not performed for many years.”

Haydn’s Creation, an oratorio written between 1796 and 1798, celebrates the creation of the world as described in the Book of Genesis, the Book of Psalms and Milton’s Paradise Lost.

The orchestral introduction to Part I is a representation of chaos at the beginning of time. This flows into the genesis of primal light, the Earth, heavenly bodies, water and plant life. Part II depicts the creation of sea creatures, animals and finally man, and in Part III the Garden of Eden blossoms and Adam and Eve’s first hours unfold. The story is narrated by three Archangels: Gabriel (Lucy Hall, soprano), Uriel (Nathan Vale, tenor), and Raphael (Nick Warden, bass), with the chorus acting as angels glorifying their maker. Warden and Hall also voice Adam and Eve in Part III.

The choir is joined by its partner orchestra the New London Sinfonia and singers from the Southampton University Philharmonic Choir, and is conducted by David Gibson.

The Creation is a great, upbeat summer piece for singers, orchestra and audience alike.

Video: David Gibson on why the concert is not to be missed!

Blog: David Gibson explains what makes Haydn's Creation so innovative and influential a piece of classical music.  


Tickets are now on sale from the Guildhall box office.  Members of the SPC and SU Phil may order ticket from Mags, via the booking form on the For Singers page. Non-members, please see the information below, under Booking.

Ticket prices: £9, £15, £17 & £20


  • Over 60s - £1 discount.
  • Kids for a Quid” scheme for children aged 12 and under.
  • Students, older children, job seekers and disabled - £6, £7.50, £8.50 & £10
  • (Carers accompanying wheelchair users - free).
  • Group Concession - buy 10, get 11th ticket free.



Booking fees apply on phone orders from the Guildhall box office and orders made via the Guildhall web site. However there are ways to avoid having to pay these fees, namely:

  • Buy your tickets from a choir member.
  • Buy your tickets directly from the Guildhall Box Office, in person. You can pay by cash, credit or debit card but cheques are not accepted. Tickets may also be bought on the door on the night of the concert, subject to availability.
  • Phone the Guildhall Box Office and ask to reserve your seats. You will be given a booking reference and then you have 5 working days to send payment (cheques only!) Send a SAE (size A6 at least) to avoid the £1.50 postal charge.

Box Office: Civic Centre NorthGuild, Southampton, SO14 7LP or  online

Telephone: 023 8063 2601

Group concessions: 023 8083 3612


Our conductor's recommended recording

John Eliot Gardner - Archiv - Creation











12 years 9 months ago