Berlioz Grande Messe des Morts – Winchester Cathedral

Berlioz concert poster

Now on sale

Andrew Dickinson (tenor)
Southampton Philharmonic Choir
Southampton University Philharmonic Choir
New London Sinfonia

David Gibson (conductor)

Berlioz described his Requiem (the Grande Messe des Morts) as 'architectural music' – and what better venue to showcase the expansiveness of this huge work than the longest nave in Europe; that of Winchester Cathedral.
In addition to a vast chorus and orchestra, Berlioz's score calls for sixteen timpani and four brass ensembles.  At the 1837 premiere in Paris, these explosions of percussion and brass must have convinced the listeners that the heavens themselves were breaking open around their heads!
The Grande Messe des Morts is remarkable both for its grandeur and for its thoroughly original concept of sound and space and the relationship between the two.
This spellbinding setting of the Requiem text transports the listener through movements of rage, terror, confusion and hope, exploring the realms of human emotion invoked by death itself, and finally resolving in a choral plea for eternal peace.
Southampton Philharmonic Choir and Southampton University Philharmonic Choir combine to bring a chorus of over 180 singers to the concert platform at Winchester Cathedral. They are joined for this performance by The New London Sinfonia and soloist Andrew Dickinson (tenor), all under the baton of David Gibson (conductor).
Not to be missed!
Learn more about Berlioz at the website of the Berlioz Society
Tickets: £32, £27, £21, £17 and £12 – available online from the Cathedral Box Office or by phone on 01962 857 275. (Note that booking fees apply for online purchases.)
Concessions apply to: children 18 and under; job seekers; those in receipt of disability benefit; students; wheelchair users and their accompanying carers; people aged 65 and over.  
Take advantage of our generous group concession: buy 5 tickets, get a 6th ticket free.
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9 years 8 months ago