Submitted by secretary on
There are several couples among the choir's membership – I can think of five, without really trying; I expect there are more, if I strain my little grey cells – and one of those couples is about to get married. For the choir, this is The Wedding. Our Librarians, Ian and Claire, are prominent members of the choir and generally the first people you see as you arrive for rehearsal, so news of their engagement and impending marriage was very warmly received.
As they are musical types, you'd expect them to choose some decent music for their nuptials, and they have not disappointed: Claire will make her way to the altar to the wedding choir's rendition of the first movement of Vivaldi's Gloria; the newly married pair will sign the register to Elgar's As Torrents in Summer and Handel's And the glory of the Lord (Messiah). It's all a cut above the standard wedding music, you'd have to admit, and definitely something for the 20-strong wedding choir to get their teeth into. The hymns are Jerusalem, Love divine (to Blaenwern) and Tell out my soul, and the recessional (no choir involvement!) is the traditional Mendelssohn's Wedding March.
Looking back over the pieces we've sung for other weddings, Franck's Panis angelicus seems to be a favourite; Fauré's Cantique de Jean Racine and Stanford's Beati quorum via also feature in the list.
What did you choose for your marriage service? Or what pieces would you choose, if you were planning a wedding?
Image copyright © Leela Bennett
the day after Verdi
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
I don't have a Facebook account so if I put my feedback here please feel free to dig it up and put it somewhere else (even Facebook!) So, how was it for you?...some of the comments from friends and rellies in the pub afterwards..."awesome", "fan******tastic", "unbelievable", "just fabulous", "your David just gets better and better and therefore so do you!" I love this one..."How are you going to follow THAT??!!". Apparently when the dazzling evening sun lit us all up through the stained glass window we looked like radiant angels - don't know about anyone else but I couldn't see a blooming thing - do angels ever wear sunglasses? :-)
That's lovely! I'm going to
Submitted by secretary on
That's lovely! I'm going to put this on the Verdi Requiem webpage, but I'll also post it on Facebook. I can't tell who the author is, alas!
I think Anonymous spoke for
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
I think Anonymous spoke for all of us! Terri