Submitted by secretary on
This week's clip comes from Ian Partridge, the choir's librarian.
Les barricades mystérieuses is an enigmatically-titled harpsichord piece by Couperin. No-one knows quite why he gave it that name - your guess is as good as anyone else's! The British composer Thomas Adès arranged it in 1994 for the unusual combination of clarinet, bass clarinet, viola, cello and double bass for a friend's wedding - and here it is performed in that combination. A lovely little miniature, where every note matters. I often find it still in my head days later!
1 Comment
Clip of the Week
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Your clip has not passed unoticed. In fact I think it has taken up permanent residence in my brain, at least I hope it has. Also, thank you for bringing Thomas Adès to my attention. Much more for me to explore.Charles