Clip of the week – the Master Singers with The Weather Forecast

Allan Pollock's (very topical) Clip of the Week:

"As I pulled into the car park at work the other day, I happened to hear the 'weather forecast' on Radio 3 – a request from someone in Lymington who, presumably, had been a pupil at my school (Glasgow Academy) at around my time.  I had a vague recollection that the then Head of Physics, a Mr John Horrox, had had something to do with the item (as was confirmed by the requester).  Intrigued, I sent the i-player link back to the external relations folk at the Academy, and they did some digging for me.  Sadly, John Horrox died earlier this year in Canterbury, where he had been for some years.  I was never in the top set, which he took, nor at the time much interested in singing (never mind madrigals) but recall he was a talented teacher and had a long association with school theatre productions.  I assume he was a leading light in the Master Singers, who produced these items.  Their Highway Code almost made Top of the Pops, it seems!"

1 Comment

John Horrox

Alastair Tainsh writes: Also at GA at around the same time.  Read John Horrox' s obit in Etcetera yesterday. BBC doing a piece on The Master Singers  and were on the phone for more info as someone had passed on my name.  Interesting that he taught physics to the current professor of Theoretical Physics at Birmingham University.